Okay. First be warned. I don't do a lot of posts that aren't centered around writing, but this is one. As many of you know, the past two months have been a little stressful for our family. Between my hospital stay and subsequent surgery, it has been a whirlwind of activity. But, even so, the past few months have been a blessing, filled with new found strength and determination. Enter Father's Day.
To say Father's Day is difficult for me would be a gross understatement. Despite the fact I have a step-father who loves me unconditionally and has always been there for me, I still struggle with the relationship (or lack thereof) I had with my biological father. Maybe it's selfish (probably), but I always wanted to have a relationship with the man who helped bring me into this world. And I did, too a point. But not the one I wanted, or needed. My biological father passed away almost five years ago and I was with him with he took his final breaths. In the end, we made peace. I'm lucky in that, because I know a lot of people who get a lot less. But, even so, I wanted so much more. And the emotions attached to that desire elevate around Father's Day.
Believe me, this isn't a pity party. I am very blessed in my life and the men that are in it. This is a reminder. The trials we face in life make us the people we are, and cement the relationships we have with the people around us. So look around you, grab the people you love and give them a hug. Plant a kiss on their forehead. Tell them you love them. Because that's what life's about....the people you love and who love you. The rest of it is simply filling.