Monday, September 22, 2014

It's Release Day!

Tuesday, September 23rd is the release of FADING LIGHT the second book in the Shadow Born Series (the books DO stand independently and can be read separate). In honor of FADING LIGHT's book birthday, I will be running TWO, that's right, TWO, contests. To enter the first contest, come join me tomorrow as I blog hop to celebrate release day. I will being doing interviews, guest posts, top ten lists, you name it. So stop by and say hi! Each blog will have a link to allow you to enter the contest. The winner will get a copy of FADING LIGHT and a $10.00 Amazon gift card. Here are the links to all of my contest related appearances for tomorrow (first contest only):
Cabin Goddess
Paranormal Romance and Authors That Rock
Cassandra M's Place
The Creatively Green Write at Home Mom
Make sure to stop by! I'll be posting info on the second contest shortly!

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